Process Blueprints with
High Accuracy and Speed

Precisely and rapidly render complex design drawings, easily edit and sign tender documents, and readily measure lengths, perimeters, and areas - all can be integrated into any app using ComPDFKit SDK, making the workflow of construction projects more fluid.
Integrate PDF Functionality on All Platforms

Smoothen the Architecture Project Process

Render and Annotate Blueprints

Fast render complicated blueprints and view all details by zooming in 1000%. Allow to make colored annotations and add personalized shapes to PDF documents.

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Easily Measure Floorplan

Accurately measure any line, perimeter, area, and arc in floorplans, three-dimensional drawings, and sectional drawings.

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Compare Altered Drawings

Compare original and altered PDF drawings side by side or overlay them with highlighted changes, ensuring construction runs swimmingly.

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Sign PDF Documents

Effortlessly add digital or electronic signatures to contracts, bids for works, certificates of completion, etc.

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Create QA/QC Forms

Enable engineers to create and fill the quality testing forms, inspection reports, and other checklists to guarantee engineering and life safety.

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Effortless Layer Viewing & Switching

Effortlessly explore building structure, piping, electrical, fire protection, and other layers in your PDF architectural drawings with precision and clarity. View layer details and seperately. Customize the layer properties for exporting or printing.

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Explore All Features

Keep PDFs Confidential and Secure

Strict Permissions
Use digital signatures with a unique ID to prevent modification and ensure the legal validity of the document.
Different Encryptions
Protect the confidentiality of project documents by setting different passwords. Or, try our standalone deployment without uploading to servers.
Version Management
Integrate version control into projects so that team members can receive documentation updates instantly.

Outstanding & Prompt Technical Support

With years of experience, ComPDFKit SDK has grown more professional and reliable. Our R&D team provides one-to-one technical support and responds promptly to your problems.

My project consists of building a project management web app and a mobile app to track and monitor work progress. With ComPDFKit SDK, users are able to view, edit, and measure drawings whether they are in the office or on the construction site.

John Smith

Project Manager, Construction

Get Started

Get ComPDFKit with a 30-day trial, running it into your project within minutes and having a great experience!
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