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UI Customization

In version 1.12.0, we have expanded the options that can be defined in the CPDFConfiguration class. When using the ComPDFKit.openDocument method to open a PDF View, you can define this object to meet your product requirements. We will continue to enrich configuration options in the future to further enhance the flexibility of the product. Here are some examples of commonly used configuration options:

  1. Set the initial display mode and the list of available modes. The following code shows enabling only the viewer mode and annotations mode:
var configuration = CPDFConfiguration(modeConfig: const ModeConfig(
  initialViewMode: CPreviewMode.viewer,
  availableViewModes: [
ComPDFKit.openDocument(documentPath, password: '', configuration: configuration);
  1. Set the list of enabled annotation types and default annotation attribute values. For example, enable only highlight annotations and set the color and transparency for highlight annotations:
var configuration = CPDFConfiguration(
  annotationsConfig: const CPDFAnnotationsConfig(
    availableTypes: [CPDFAnnotationType.highlight],
    initAttribute: CPDFAnnotationAttribute(
      highlight: CPDFAnnotAttr.highlight(color:, alpha: 255))));

ComPDFKit.openDocument(documentPath, password: '', configuration: configuration);
  1. Set the display mode and page flipping direction:
var configuration = CPDFConfiguration(
  readerViewConfig: const ReaderViewConfig(
    displayMode: CPDFDisplayMode.doublePage,
    verticalMode: false

ComPDFKit.openDocument(documentPath, password: '', configuration: configuration);

Note: For more information, please refer to the options defined in the CPDFConfiguration class