
ComPDFKit for Linux 1.1.0 Adds Viewer, Annotations, Forms, and Signatures

By ComPDFKit | Tue. 18 Feb. 2025
ComPDFKit for LinuxRelease

Today we’re pleased to announce that ComPDFKit for Linux 1.1.0 is released. This version introduces a variety of new PDF functionalities, including viewer, annotations, forms, signatures, security, and document comparison.



New Features:



         - Support for multiple display modes, such as single page, double page, and cover mode.

         - Support for multiple navigation modes, such as thumbnails, outlines, and bookmarks.

         - Support for text search & selection. Support for full-text search in PDF documents, easy to get search results and navigate.

         - Support for page resizing, allowing you to choose from 10% to 1000% of the zoom ratio to display the page, or through the "zoom in" and "zoom out" buttons to change the document zoom ratio. Supports full-screen mode to view page content.

         - Support for switching between different themes, including light mode and dark mode.

         - Support for vertical scrolling and horizontal scrolling to view page content.

         - Download, print, and save as flattened PDF.



         - Add, edit, and delete all types of PDF annotations, including Note, Highlight, Underline, Squiggly, Strikeout, Ink, FreeText, and so on. 

         - Import and export annotations to/from XFDF.

         - Support for using the annotation list to view all the annotated content of the document.



         - Fill in PDF forms.

         - Create, edit, and delete forms, including Text Fields, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, List boxes, Combo boxes, Push buttons, and so on.

         - Support for setting the form properties, including the name, the visibility, the text style, the appearance, the check style, and so on.



         - Support for multiple signatures, such as drawn signatures, typed signatures, and image signatures.

         - Support for setting signature properties, such as the color and line width for drawn signatures, and the font style and color for font-based signatures.



         - Encrypt and decrypt PDFs, allowing you to set passwords and permissions to protect your documents.


Document Comparison

         - Support for document comparison — Overlay Comparison. Allow setting the color, transparency, blending mode, etc. for document comparison. 

         - Support for viewing document comparison results by categories, such as viewing the same content of the document, and the content added, replaced, or deleted in the document.





If you’re interested in ComPDFKit for Linux, please contact our sales team to access the free trial, and then visit our guides to learn how to get started with Self-hosted Deployment for Linux. We’d love to hear about your use case and discuss how to best implement it.