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Web PDF Library
Key Capabilities
Customizable UI
Simple, easy to use, and highly customizable
Client Side
Workload is offloaded to client (no server required)
High Fidelity
Accurate and reliable PDFium-based rendering engine
Prebuilt Features
Annotate, edit, sign, form fill, compare documents, and more
Framework Support
ComPDFKit for Web is compatible with popular JavaScript frameworks such as React, Angular, Vue, Svelte, Next.js, Nuxt.js, and more.
Browser Support
ComPDFKit for Web is compatible with the latest versions of commonly used browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Firefox ESR, supporting both standalone and server-backed deployment methods.
Native Browser Support
Mozilla Firefox
Firefox ESR
Web Integrations
ComPDFKit for Web seamlessly integrates with SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, and Salesforce.
Deployment Options
ComPDFKit for Web can be deployed through either Standalone or Server-Backed methods. Standalone mode is a JavaScript library that runs entirely on the client. With Server-Backed, rendering and processing are generally handled by the Document Engine backend.
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