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How ComPDFKit PDF SDK Helps Construction Industry

By ComPDFKit | Tue. 19 Mar. 2024

Digital workflow is popular in the construction industry, and there is also a growing number of applications for construction and architectural drawings. And some construction firms even have apps or systems to finish digital construction workflows. Obviously, there is a need for Software Development Kits in the construction industry.


ComPDFKit provides a solution specifically for the construction industry. The features contain comparing, markup, annotation, digital signing, measurement, etc. After reading the following content, you can clearly understand how these features apply to the construction industry.



Features Provided by ComPDFKit


The solution provided by ComPDFKit supports being integrated into Windows, Web, iOS, and Android platforms.


1. Comparing Versions

Comparing construction and architectural drawings could be used when plan changes occur. We can see the differences between the two versions of drawings because the changing text and strokes will be marked up by colors. The comparing result could be displayed in one file or in two separate files as you need. The details could be found here.


2. Annotation

Plenty of markups need to be added when different people preview PDF drawings. For example, designers need to add some text annotations to explain their ideas. And companies need to add some stamps, and shapes to show approval or point out where they should redesign. Construction companies could also let their clients view and markup their architectural design schemes to communicate efficiently and improve customer satisfaction.


3. Digital Signature

As we all know, all construction and architectural drawings need to be checked and signed by many people before construction. Digital signing will be more convenient and fast. A digital signature is also a more secure way than signing a paper document if the company implements a system of electronic signatures carefully.


4. Accurate Measurement

The construction and architectural drawings are different from other works. Accuracy means everything. After setting the scale, ComPDFKit allows snapping the control points on your drawings and measuring the length, area, and arc accurately. 





The ComPDFKit team consists of updating & optimizing our current solutions, and brings high-quality solutions & services. If you are interested in ComPDFKit or have any thoughts and suggestions, feel free to contact us.