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Convert PDF to Excel


ComPDFKit Conversion SDK supports converting PDF documents to Microsoft Excel format (.xlsx). By extracting, parsing, and importing data from PDF into Excel, users can further edit, analyze, or share Excel files. This feature helps increase productivity, reduce manual entry errors, and simplify complex document processing tasks.

Set the content options for Excel

When converting PDF files to Excel files, you need to pay attention to the settings of the following options, which will directly affect the content written to the Excel file.

  • Content options:

    If you set the excel_only_text option, only the text content will be written to the Excel file (without containing the table content).

  • Worksheet options:

ExcelOption::OneTableOneSheetCreate one sheet for one table.
ExcelOption::PageTablesTextsOneSheetCreate one sheet for one PDF page.
ExcelOption::AllPagesTablesTextsSingleSheetCreate one sheet for the entire PDF document.


  • In order to get better conversion effects, it is recommended to enable OCR or layout analysis.
  • When you enable the OCR feature, the contain_ocr_background_image option will be invalid.


This sample demonstrates how to convert from a PDF to XLSX file.

ConvertOptions opt;
// Convert using default options.
PDFToOffice::StartPdfToExcel("excel.pdf", "password", "path/output", opt, progress);

// Set to convert only text content and set the entire document to be written to one sheet.
opt.excel_only_text = true;
opt.excel_option = ExcelOption::AllPagesTablesTextsSingleSheet;
PDFToOffice::StartPdfToExcel("excel.pdf", "password", "path/output", opt, progress);