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The Form (or AcroForm) feature allows users to create interactive form fields in a PDF document, enabling other users to provide information by filling out these fields. Essentially, PDF form fields are a type of PDF annotation known as Widget annotations. They are utilized to implement interactive form elements such as buttons, checkboxes, combo boxes, and more.

As PDF is an electronic format, it provides advantages that traditional paper forms do not have. For instance, users can edit information that has already been entered. Additionally, document creators can distribute PDF forms over the internet, restrict the content and format entered by users, as well as programmatically extract and categorize the information filled in by users.

Benefits of ComPDFKit Form

  • Full Types Supported: Supports all form field types, properties, and appearance settings.
  • Create, Edit, Delete Form Fields: Perform creation, editing, and deletion operations programmatically or directly through the UI.
  • Fill Form Fields: Seamlessly fill form fields using the CPDFReaderView or automatically fill them programmatically.
  • Form Events: Trigger specified workflows, enabling automation.
  • Form Flattening: Permanently adds forms to the document as images, ensuring document appearance stability and preventing further modifications.

Guides for Forms