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Display Modes

ComPDFKit supports single-page, double-page, and book mode arrangements for documents, facilitating reading through both page flipping and scrolling methods. Additionally, it offers options to set cropping mode and split-view mode.

Set the Display Mode

This example shows how to set the display mode to single continuous:


Explanation of Display Mode Types

The table below displays Reading Mode types, descriptions, and their corresponding parameter names.

TypeDescriptionParameter Name
SingleDisplay one page at a time, flipping to the next when scrolling to the page edge.ViewMode.Single
Single ContinuousDisplay one page at a time, with pages arranged continuously in the vertical direction.ViewMode.SingleContinuous
DoubleDisplay two pages side-by-side at a time, flipping when scrolling to the page edge.ViewMode.Double
Double ContinuousDisplay two pages side-by-side at a time, with pages arranged continuously in the vertical direction.ViewMode.DoubleContinuous
BookCover occupies a row alone, with the rest consistent with the double-page mode.ViewMode.Book
Book ContinuousCover occupies a row alone, with the rest consistent with the double continuous mode.ViewMode.BookContinuous

Set the Crop Mode

Crop mode refers to a feature in PDF documents that allows the cropping of pages to alter their visible area or dimensions. Crop mode enables users to define the display range of a page, making it visually more aligned with specific requirements.

This example shows how to set the crop mode:
