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Error code

Error code reference

Return value:

Returned parametersData typeDescription
codeStringError code.
msgStringError description.

Example of the response:

  "code": "<code>",
  "msg": "<describe>"


Error codeDescriptionSolution
'01001'Internal system exception.Please contact [email protected].
'01003'File upload error.Please contact [email protected].
'03000'Parameter validation error.Check file processing parameters, refer to the API section.
'02321'The PDF file does not exist.Please contact [email protected].
'02001'File format is incorrect.Check if the uploaded file format matches the supported file formats for the processing feature.
'02002'The file size is 0.Check if the uploaded file was uploaded successfully.
'02004'File processing failed.Retry or contact [email protected].
'02006'File returned an error.Verify if the returned file is being received properly or contact [email protected].
'01004'File upload exception.Please contact [email protected].
'01005'The file cannot be empty.Check if the uploaded file was uploaded successfully.
'01006'Incorrect JSON parameters set during file upload.Check the file processing parameters, refer to the API section.
'01207'Failed to call DocumentAI APIsPlease contact [email protected].
'01208'Failed to write the recognized and returned data to the filePlease contact [email protected].
'01203'File not found or unable to open.Please contact [email protected].
'02002'Unsupported file format for conversion.Please contact [email protected].
'02207'Failed to open the file: unsupported file type or encrypted.Check if the file has a protection password and ensure that the correct password parameter is provided.
'02209'Conversion timed out. Please do not upload files that are too large.Check if the CONVERT_TIMEOUT parameter for ComPDFKit Processor is set too low.
'02210'Failed to convert the file.Please contact [email protected].
'04003'The file does not exist or cannot be opened.Please contact [email protected].
'07001'The current feature is not supported at the moment.Please contact [email protected].
'08100'The license is invalid.Please contact [email protected] for the correct License Key.
'08101'The license has expired.Please contact [email protected] for the correct License Key.
'08102'The license does not support the current platform.Please contact [email protected] for the correct License Key.
'08105'The license does not have permission for this functionality.Please contact [email protected] for the correct License Key.
'08106'The license has not been initialized yet.Please contact [email protected] for the correct License Key.
'081000'Unauthorized access to the API interface.Please contact [email protected] for the correct License Key.
'081001'Failed to read the license file.Please contact [email protected] for the correct License Key.
'08999'Unknown license error.Please contact [email protected].
'02205'Please specify the page number you need to process.Check whether the page number requiring operation is specified.
'02207'Please set the watermark type before adding watermarks.Check whether the type of watermark to be added is specified.
'02208'Invalid page number: Page number must be a positive integer and cannot be greater than the maximum page number.Check the page number parameter.
'02211'An image is required when adding an image watermark.Check that the correct image is passed in.
'01006'Abnormal file parameters: Please set valid file parameters.Check that the parameters of the file are correct.

Status code:

ComPDFKit uses HTTP status codes to return the result of your request. We primarily use two values to indicate the outcome of your request:

  • 200 — The response status code of 200 indicates a successful API call.

  • 413 — The API sends this status when your request exceeds the size limit.