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Intelligent Table Extraction

Our self-developed table recognition algorithm accurately extracts information from standard and non-standard tables, identifies elements like table titles and row/column positions, and saves each table, page, or document as a new worksheet.

Extract the table in the image into a JSON file. For the interface, refer to ComIDP API

Parameter executeType uses documentAI/tableRec

Parameter parameter is as follows:

	"lang": "auto",

Required parameters

lang: Supported types and definitions are as follows:

  • auto: Automatically classify language.

  • english: English.

  • chinese: Simplified Chinese.

  • chinese_tra: Traditional Chinese.

  • korean: Korean.

  • japanese: Japanese.

  • latin: Latin.

  • devanagari: Sanskrit letters.

Supported input formats

  • PNG
  • JPG & JPEG
  • BMP

Supported output formats

  • JSON: Result file.