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Installing the ComPDFKit Dependency

You can integrate the SDK in two ways:

  • Through ComPDFKit GitHub repo:

    In MyApp folder, install @compdfkit_pdf_sdk/react_native by calling:

    yarn add github:ComPDFKit/compdfkit-pdf-sdk-react-native
  • Through ComPDFKit npm package:

    In MyApp folder, install run the following commands:

    yarn add @compdfkit_pdf_sdk/react_native


  1. Open android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml , add Internet Permission and Storage Permission
<manifest xmlns:android=""

+    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
    <!-- Required to read and write documents from device storage -->
+    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
+    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

    <!-- Optional settings -->
+    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

+    android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true"
  1. Copy the sample pdf file to the assets directory
  1. Replace App.js (or App.tsx) with what is shown for Usage Example

  2. Finally in the root project directory, run react-native run-android.


  1. Open your project’s Podfile in a text editor:
open ios/Podfile
  1. Add the following line to the target 'MyApp' do ... end block:
target 'MyApp' do
    # ...
+  pod "ComPDFKit", podspec:''
+  pod "ComPDFKit_Tools", podspec:''
    # ...

Note: If SSL network requests fail to download the ComPDFKit library when you run pod install, you can use the following method instead.

target 'MyApp' do
    # ...
+  pod 'ComPDFKit', :git => '', :tag => '2.1.2'
+  pod 'ComPDFKit_Tools', :git => '', :tag => '2.1.2'
    # ...
  1. In the ios folder, run pod install.

  2. Open your project’s Workspace in Xcode:

    open ios/MyApp.xcworkspace

    Make sure the deployment target is set to 12.0 or higher:

  1. Add the PDF document you want to display to your application by dragging it into your project. On the dialog that’s displayed, select Finish to accept the default integration options. You can use "PDF_Document.pdf" as an example.
<string>Your consent is required before you could access the function.</string>

<string>Your consent is required before you could access the function.</string>

<string>Your consent is required before you could access the function.</string>

<string>Your consent is required before you could access the function.</string>
  1. Replace App.js (or App.tsx) with what is shown for Usage Example

  2. Finally in the root project directory, run react-native run-ios.