Cloud Border Style for Annotations
Users are allowed to set the border style of rectangular, circular, and polygonal annotations to a cloud-like pattern. The border style can also be changed between solid lines, dashed lines, or the cloud style. ComPDFKit provides convenient APIs for setting the cloud border style for annotations, along with demo demonstrations.
Here is an example code for adding a cloud-style border to a rectangular annotation:
// Insert page numbers.
int pageNumber = 0;
// Retrieve an instance of the PDF page.
CPDFPage page = document.pageAtIndex(pageNumber);
// Create a rectangle annotation object on the page.
CPDFSquareAnnotation squareAnnotation = (CPDFSquareAnnotation) page.addAnnot(CPDFAnnotation.Type.SQUARE);
RectF pageSize = page.getSize();
RectF insertRect = new RectF(0,0,100,100);
// Coordinate transformation.
insertRect = page.convertRectToPage(false,pageSize.width(),pageSize.height(),insertRect);
// Set annotation properties.
CPDFBorderStyle borderStyle = new CPDFBorderStyle(CPDFBorderStyle.Style.Border_Solid, 10, new float[]{8.0F, 0F});
// Set the cloud border style
// Update the annotations onto the document.
// Insert page numbers.
val pageNumber = 0
// Retrieve an instance of the PDF page.
val page = document.pageAtIndex(pageNumber)
// Create a rectangle annotation object on the page.
val squareAnnotation = page.addAnnot(CPDFAnnotation.Type.SQUARE) as CPDFSquareAnnotation
val pageSize = page.size
// Coordinate transformation.
squareAnnotation.rect = page.convertRectToPage(false, pageSize.width(), pageSize.height(), RectF(0F, 0F, 100F, 100F))
squareAnnotation.apply {
// Set annotation properties.
borderColor = Color.YELLOW
borderStyle = CPDFBorderStyle(CPDFBorderStyle.Style.Border_Solid, 10F, floatArrayOf(8F, 0F))
borderAlpha = 255
fillColor = Color.RED
fillAlpha = 255
// Set the cloud border style
bordEffectType = CPDFAnnotation.CPDFBorderEffectType.CPDFBorderEffectTypeCloudy
bordEffectIntensity = CPDFAnnotation.BorderEffectIntensity.INTENSITY_TWO
// Update the annotations onto the document.
Cloud Border style Type Enumeration
Name | Description |
BorderEffectIntensity.INTENSITY_ZERO | The influence intensity ranges from 0 to 2, and when it is 0, it is a solid line |
BorderEffectIntensity.INTENSITY_ONE | |
BorderEffectIntensity.INTENSITY_TWO |
Name | Description |
CPDFBorderEffectTypeSolid | The border style style is a solid line |
CPDFBorderEffectTypeCloudy | The border style style is cloud style |