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Compress & Optimize a PDF File

Control the compression accuracy of images and observe the compression progress in real-time by setting the CPDFDocumentOptimizeOption parameter.

Below is an example code for configuring the compression and optimization of PDF files:

CPDFDocument document = new CPDFDocument(context);"xxx.pdf");
// Compress & Optimize a PDF File
try {
  boolean saveResult = document.saveAsCompressOptimize("savePath", CPDFDocument.PDFDocumentCompressLevel.MEDIUM, new CPDFDocument.CompressListener() {
    public void onUpdate(int pageIndex) {
      // The page index value for monitoring the current compression progress
} catch (CPDFDocumentException e) {

CPDFDocument document = CPDFDocument(context)"xxx.pdf")
// Compress & Optimize a PDF File
try {
  val saveResult = document.saveAsCompressOptimize(
    CPDFDocument.PDFDocumentCompressLevel.HIGH){pageIndex ->
      // The page index value for monitoring the current compression progress
} catch (CPDFDocumentException e) {
