The Samples use preset parameters and documentation to call the API of ComPDFKit PDF SDK for each function without UI interaction or parameter settings. This is achieved through modular code examples. The functions include creating, getting, and deleting various types of annotations and forms, extracting text and images, encrypting and decrypting documents, adding watermarks and bates numbers, and more.
These projects not only demonstrate the best practices for each function but also provide detailed introductions. The impact of each function on PDF documents can be observed in the output directory. With the help of the Samples, you can quickly learn how to use the functions you need and apply them to your projects.
Name | Description |
Bookmark | Create a new bookmark, and access the existing bookmark. |
Outline | Create a new outline, and get existing outline information. |
PDFToImage | Convert PDF pages to PNG. |
TextSearch | Perform full-text search and highlight keywords. |
Annotation | Print the annotation list information, set the annotations (including markup, note, ink, free text, circle, square, line, stamp, and sound annotations), and delete the annotations. |
AnnotationImportExport | Export and import annotations with an xfdf file. |
InteractiveForms | Print form list information, set up interactive forms (including text, checkbox, radio button, button, list, combo boxes, signing and deleting forms), and fill out form information. |
PDFPage | Manipulate PDF pages, including inserting, splitting, merging, rotating, and replacing, etc. |
ImageExtract | This sample shows how to extract all the images of a PDF document |
TextExtract | Extract images from a PDF document. |
DocumentInfo | Display the information of PDF files like the author, created time, etc. |
Watermark | Create text/image watermarks and delete watermarks. |
Background | Create a color/image background and delete the background. |
HeaderFooter | This sample shows how to add and remove headers and footers |
Bates | Create and remove bates numbers. |
PDFRedact | Create redaction to remove sensitive information or private data, which cannot be viewed and searched once applied. |
Encrypt | Set passwords to encrypt PDFs and set document permissions. Allow decrypting PDFs. |
PDFA | Convert PDF to PDF/A-1a and PDF/A-1b. |
Flatten | Flatten PDF annotations and forms, and merge all layouts as one layout. |
DigitalSignatures | Create, fill, and verify the signatures and certificates. Read the details of signatures and certificates. Remove digital signatures. |