Get the Selected Content
Users can select text in a PDF document by long pressing their finger and get the selected content.
This example shows how to Get the selected content:
- Extend the
class and implement thegetSelectTextContentView()
public class CPDFContextMenuHelper extends CPDFContextMenuShowHelper {
public CPDFContextMenuHelper(CPDFReaderView readerView) {
* Long press text listener
public View getSelectTextContentView(CPDFPageView cpdfPageView, LayoutInflater layoutInflater) {
ContextMenuView menuView = new ContextMenuView(readerView.getContext());
// Add a menu item to retrieve the selected text content on button click
menuView.addItem(R.string.tools_get_content, v -> {
// Get the text selection interface
ISelectionHelper selectionHelper = cpdfPageView.getSelectionHelper();
// Get all selected text areas on the current page
List<CPDFTextSelection> selections = selectionHelper.getSelections();
// Get the original page size of the specified page number, converting PDF page size to Android coordinates
RectF size = readerView.getPageNoZoomSize(cpdfPageView.getPageNum());
CPDFPage page = readerView.getPDFDocument().pageAtIndex(cpdfPageView.getPageNum());
// CPDFTextPage handles text-related functions
CPDFTextPage textPage = page.getTextPage();
int length = selections.size();
RectF annotRect = new RectF();
RectF[] quadRects = new RectF[length];
StringBuilder markedText = new StringBuilder();
// The selected text may span multiple lines, iterate to retrieve the selected text
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
CPDFTextSelection textSelection = selections.get(i);
if (textSelection == null) continue;
// Get the original position of the selected text in the PDF document
RectF rect = new RectF(textSelection.getRectF());
// Convert to screen coordinates
rect = page.convertRectFromPage(readerView.isCropMode(), size.width(), size.height(), rect);
if (annotRect.isEmpty()) {
} else {
quadRects[i] = new RectF(textSelection.getRectF());
// Retrieve the text within the rectangle
String text = textPage.getText(textSelection.getTextRange());
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {
System.out.println("markedText:" + markedText);
return menuView;
class CPDFContextMenuHelper(readerView: CPDFReaderView?) : CPDFContextMenuShowHelper(readerView) {
* Long press text listener
override fun getSelectTextContentView(
cpdfPageView: CPDFPageView,
layoutInflater: LayoutInflater?
): View {
val menuView: ContextMenuView = ContextMenuView(readerView.context)
// Add a menu item to retrieve the selected text content on button click
menuView.addItem(R.string.tools_get_content) { v ->
// Get the text selection interface
val selectionHelper = cpdfPageView.selectionHelper
// Get all selected text areas on the current page
val selections = selectionHelper.selections
// Get the original page size of the specified page number, converting PDF page size to Android coordinates
val size = readerView.getPageNoZoomSize(cpdfPageView.pageNum)
val page = readerView.pdfDocument.pageAtIndex(cpdfPageView.pageNum)
// CPDFTextPage handles text-related functions
val textPage = page.textPage
val length = selections.size
val annotRect = RectF()
val quadRects = arrayOfNulls<RectF>(length)
val markedText = StringBuilder()
// The selected text may span multiple lines, iterate to retrieve the selected text
for (i in 0 until length) {
val textSelection = selections[i] ?: continue
// Get the original position of the selected text in the PDF document
var rect: RectF? = RectF(textSelection.rectF)
// Convert to screen coordinates
rect = page.convertRectFromPage(
if (annotRect.isEmpty) {
} else {
quadRects[i] = RectF(textSelection.rectF)
// Retrieve the text within the rectangle
val text = textPage.getText(textSelection.textRange)
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {
return menuView
- Set the custom context menu in
// Set the custom context menu
cpdfReaderView.setContextMenuShowListener(new CPDFContextMenuHelper(readerView));
Following these steps, you can retrieve and manipulate selected text content through the context menu when long-pressing on the text.