Merge Pages
The steps to merge pages are as follows:
- Create a blank PDF document.
- Open the PDF document containing the pages to be merged.
- Select all the pages to be merged and combine them into the same document.
This example shows how to merge pages:
let mergeDocument = CPDFDocument()
if let document1 = CPDFDocument(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: "filePath1")),
let document2 = CPDFDocument(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: "filePath2")) {
let indexSet = IndexSet(integersIn: 0..<2)
mergeDocument?.importPages(indexSet, from: document1, at: mergeDocument?.pageCount ?? 0)//Insert the first two pages.
mergeDocument?.importPages(indexSet, from: document2, at: mergeDocument?.pageCount ?? 0)
CPDFDocument *mergeDocument = [[CPDFDocument alloc] init];
CPDFDocument *document1 = [[CPDFDocument alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"filePath1"]];
CPDFDocument *document2 = [[CPDFDocument alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"filePath2"]];
NSMutableIndexSet *indexSet = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
[indexSet addIndex:0];
[indexSet addIndex:1];
[mergeDocument importPages:indexSet fromDocument:document1 atIndex:mergeDocument.pageCount];//Insert the first two pages.
[mergeDocument importPages:indexSet fromDocument:document2 atIndex:mergeDocument.pageCount];