Import & Export Annotations in PDF
This sample shows how to set up the export and import of annotations. The document from which the annotations are exported is an xfdf file
// Import the JS file of ComPDFKit Web Demo.
<script src="/"></script>;
const viewer = document.getElementById('webviewer');
pdfUrl: 'Your PDF Url',
license: 'Input your license here'
}, viewer)
.then((core) => {
const docViewer = core.docViewer;
docViewer.addEvent('documentloaded', () => {
console.log('ComPDFKit Web Demo loaded');
// Sample1: Export Annotations
if (ExportAnnotation(docViewer)) {
console.log('Export annotaitons done.');
} else {
console.log('Export annotaitons failed.');
// Sample2: Import Annotations
// Export annotations in the document to XFDF format.
async function ExportAnnotation(docViewer) {
* Exports annotations in the document to XFDF format.
* @param {boolean} isDownload - A flag indicating whether to automatically download the exported XFDF file.
* - true: Automatically triggers the download of the file to the local machine.
* - false: Returns the XFDF string without downloading the file.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} Returns true if export is successful, false otherwise.
const xfdfString = await docViewer.exportXfdf();
if (!xfdfString) {
return false;
return true;
// Importing XFDF into the document.
async function ImportAnnotaiton(docViewer) {
const file = await fetch('test.xfdf');